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Impakt-Eval PAEFE en


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Since 2011, Switzerland has supported a programme in Benin, which promotes education for children with no access to the formal school system (PAEFE).

Although Benin recognises the fundamental right to an education, more than 700,000 children (45%) do not attend school.  

Without a solid basic education, half of all young people will in the future encounter difficulties integrating socially and professionally.
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The programme specifically targets youngsters between the ages of 9 and 15 who are too old for primary school, but too young to learn a trade.

It is adapted to local social and economic conditions and is regarded as exemplary across the rest of the country.

This approach enables children to benefit from a basic education, obtain qualifications and ultimately find a job.
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A study was commissioned by the SDC to demonstrate the impact of the PAEFE programme in three ways:

- Impact on the participants

- Impact of alternative schools on the public education sector in Benin

- Impact on the institutionalisation of alternative schools in collaboration with public partners and associations
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In an initial quantitative study in 2017–18, a total of 2,564 young people affected in Benin were asked about their situation.

Subsequently 748 took part in the PAEFE programme and 1,816 were not included in the programme as a reference group.
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In a second step, in the summer of 2019, a qualitative survey was conducted among the pupils in their final semester, asking them about their anticipated employment.  

At the same time, a final quantitative survey of the 2,564 young people was begun.
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The results of this survey will be compared with the initial quantitative study in order to establish the practical impact of the programme on the participants' learning ability and their integration in the job market.
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For all participants, the project led to a clear improvement in their knowledge of the local language and to a lesser extent French.

Many of them had become more interested in pursuing an apprenticeship or further education. Among the girls, the age at which they intended to get married and start having children was higher.

The study also demonstrated the importance of expanding the interaction between the public education sector and the newly opened alternative education institutions.
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Since the conclusion of the first project phase, the authorities in Benin have been working on continuing the model.

Further information

Project website: Helvetas
Project website (fr): SDC
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